The spirit of entrepreneurship is alive in South Central Tennessee. For more than 200 years the people of this region have exhibited strength in adversity, embodied the meaning of volunteerism and experienced success through hard work.
Entrepreneurs were and are those who are willing to take the chance that their talents, creativity and skills can translate into income for them, provide support for their family and bolster economic growth for their community.
What is SCOPE?
SCOPE is designed to provide resources for those who want to start a small business or those who have a business they wish to grow.
Representatives from South Central Tennessee communities whose focus is on community development and economic growth have banned together to create a network for advice, assistance and promotion.

Defining Entrepreneurs
Small businesses owned and operated by entrepreneurs may range in size and type from microenterprises that employ from one to five people to small businesses that employ five to 25.
From these modest beginnings larger scale operations employing as many as 500 will emerge.
Geared for Growth
Regardless of the size of the endeavor, those who invest in their own businesses contribute to the economic fabric of their communities.
SCOPE is designed to coordinate resources for those who want to start a small business or those who have a business they wish to grow.
Community Benefits
Whether it is though tax revenue, diversification or job creation, the small businesses in a community can provide a stable base in a shifting economy.
Global Economy
Technology coupled with multiple options for shipping and distribution have removed obstacles insurmountable in the past.
Entrepreneurs have opportunities unimaginable even a quarter century ago.
Products can be worldwide. Services can be booked online.
Websites serve as the storefront or business office for entrepreneurs.
Social media and online networking offer non-traditional marketing opportunities that reach untold potential clients – often at no cost.
For small businesses, employees located anywhere in the world can work collaboratively as a team to contribute their expertise.
This kind of flexibility allows remote workers to enjoy the location and lifestyle they desire while engaging in a satisfying career.
Rural Businesses
For many rural entrepreneurs, location is no longer a deterrent to growth.
Email marketing enables the nurturing of prospects and the retention of current clients though customized communication.
Representatives from South Central Tennessee communities whose focus is on community development and economic growth have banned together to create a network for identifying resources, providing mentorship and to help promote businesses as well as providing a network of entrepreneurs who can support one another as businesses find their footings
Engaging Youth
SCOPE wants to engage the youth in the rural communities of South Central Tennessee. While most youth see their choices after high school as joining the workforce, training for a trade or certification or pursuing a college degree, through the SCOPE network young people can be educated about business development and ownership, illuminating for them yet another option for earning a livelihood.
The days ahead will be challenging for businesses of all sizes, but there is a legacy of entrepreneurship for the diligent and motivated entrepreneurs of South Central Tennessee to build on.
SCOPE is here to help.